
The Mystery of the True Vine: Meditations for a Month is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Mystery of the True Vine, written for young adults, contains 31 meditations on the Parable of the Vine. As Murray writes in the Preface, “I feel as if there is not a passage in God’s Word in which our union to Christ Jesus, with its call to entire consecration, its privilege of unbounding joy, much fruitfulness, and prevailing prayer, is put with equal clearness or force. And I have felt...

I pray you, take time and ask the Holy Spirit to give you to realise the unspeakably solemn place you occupy in the mind of God. He has planted you into His Son with the calling and the power to bear much fruit. Accept that place. Look much to God, and to Christ. and expect joyfully to be what God has planned to make you, a fruitful Branch. Much fruit! So be it, blessed Lord Jesus. It can be, for Thou art the Vine. It shall be, for I am abiding in thee. It must be, for Thy Father is the Husbandman
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